Give Thanks
As we approach Thanksgiving and reflect upon all our blessings, we are re-visiting this activity we did four years ago to give thanks and practice gratitude.
It's our Thankful Tree.
We created a giant paper tree and taped it up to our kitchen wall. We took turns cutting out leaves and writing down things we were thankful for and added it to our tree.
Not comfortable taping things to your wall? Create an 8X11 paper-sized tree and practice giving thanks!
This year, more than ever, we have so much to be thankful for and we're refocusing our efforts to recognize the beauty and grace all around us -- the simple things right before our eyes.
Whether it's the changing colors of the leaves, the sounds of the wind chimes in our backyard, or our daily walks and phone calls with family -- these are things that matter and are the building blocks of our happiness.
For this, we give thanks, each and every day. Hope you find what you're grateful for too.