Simple Sensory Kitchen Fun - Ages 2+

Simple Sensory Kitchen Fun - Ages 2+

Easy Kitchen Sensory Play, Ages 2+

Simple, fun kitchen sensory play.

 "Cook" with Veggie Scraps

Next time you're in the kitchen, consider putting out a bowl of water, a measuring cup and some spoons. Voila!  Let them "cook" along beside you! 

We've used potato peels, carrot peelings and even coffee grounds! They'll have a blast mixing and measuring and put your veggie scraps to use.  You may even get dinner done and on the table. 


 Expired Spices in your Pantry?


Ok, this one is not for the faint of heart. And, if you're mess-averse, stay clear! Still not afraid? Nice. This activity is sure to delight! 

Next time you clean out your pantry, before you toss the expired spices, consider using it for play.  They make for a fun sensory experience!


Happy "cooking."



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